Jurassic Park Trilogy and 4th Ideas

Welcome to Jurassic Park…

Jurassic Park is one my all time favourite movies for nostalgia and pure geekyness. Of recent I brought the trilogy on Bluray and well I found something quite interesting about them, The sequels wasn’t as bad as I originally remembered them. But after watching all three of them back to back I found the reason why the first one was so good and we felt the other two wasn’t as great.

In the first movie, it was about discovery, seeing things new for the first time and carefully crafted little moments that became very memorable. For example, who can forget that first moment when Dr.Grant turns his head to see the first dinosaurse in Jurassic park. Or the moment Lex is eating green jelly only to realise a dinosaurse is near by… the water droplets in the car, anything Ian Malcome said or did in the entire film. That is what made that film so epic.

Ah ah ah – you didn’t say the magic word.

one of the good things about the movie was the cast, every actor placed in the right role. There wasn’t one out of place actor in that film which is why it worked so well. Then there was the iconic clothing too, each character had there own style.

The only missing thing from the film was the pterodactyls that from when I was a kid and used to own the action figures was really disappointed they didn’t make it into the film but they were in the third movie and briefly in the second one.

Now lets talk 4th movie.

They need Nostalgia and balance between chaos and discovery. Essentially I got to thinking who would be the ideal cast for another Jurassic Park outing and I came to the conclusion that this film is now 20 years old (the original that is) The character of Tim Murphy is now in his 30’s he would be the write age now to take centre stage of the 4th movie. You could even use the same actor, he played a good role in G.I.Joe Retaliation…

So I was looking at a list of characters that appeared in the films and books and I noticed there was a few characters that didn’t make the movie and I thought, that would be inspiring. Lets see what characters wasn’t used and see if we can piece together how they come about in a 4th movie.

First off we have a character called Dr.Martin Guitierrez who is a biologist whilst during the first book discovered a new species of dinosaur on the island that wasn’t made by Jurassic Park. Which I think right there we have a story to base the 4th movie on. Another character I read about was the missing 5th member of the team that was sent out in The Lost World…i.e Jack ‘Doc’ Thorne – whom would be ideal as the survival expert of the team, lets see, Ed Regis a Ingen publicisit who didn’t make it into the film, Richard Levine and diego, oh and R.B ‘Arby’ Benton – lots of good characters that we can form together to add to this movie…

So, this is what I’m thinking, lets have a story where Dr.Tim Murphy is brought back to the island to guide a team of specialists who are researching why the dinosaurs are dying out of a mysterious disease and there is a new dinosaur that seems to be ammune that is tracking them down. of which the creature Dr.Martin Guitierrez discovered in the books. Hows that?

Oh I made a little dream cast for this movie image, I invented two new characters that wasn’t in the books, 1 a potential love interest for Tim Murphy’s character (plus I think mila kunis would be great in Jurassic park film) and the other character is a historic computer programmer, I figure that Jurassic park systems will still run on the same technology used in 1993 so someone familiar with those systems would make for an interesting geek to have on the island.

My ideal cast for the roles.


2 thoughts on “Jurassic Park Trilogy and 4th Ideas

    • I liked your ideas from your blog they were interesting and very true. Jurassic park is a legacy made brilliant by many factors. It’s about time they went back to site a – lots of dinosaurs unaccounted for

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