Think I Fixed The Marvel Cinematic Universe – My Multiverse Explained Theory

Does anyone understand the Marvel Cinematic Universe anymore since the Multiverse Saga unfolds?

Its like a puzzle but the problem is two phases in and we are none the wiser as to where they are going with this other than Secret Wars being the concluding to the saga.

So whats a guy with OCD, a love for marvel and the ability to make a square peg fit a round hole.

I was thinking, the multiverse exists, deadpool is coming over from the Fox franchise of mutants and x-men worlds, Spiderman came over from Sony. So heres my thought what if each film studio was its own universe within the multiverse. i mean its kind of already been confirmed that with the notion that tobey maguire and andrew garfield spiderman existing albiet briefly in the disney marvel universe. so lets break that 4th wall even more so and look at all the marvel movies and tv shows that have been made by different studios. Now im only focusing on Marvel characters that other studios have made because Marvel licensed products turned into films by studios also kind of covers bizzarly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and yes i know there is a reality where TMNT connects to Daredevils origin. But lets ignore that for now and just focus on the Marvel characters.

But before we do i want to talk about Kang. as He Who remains said, Every Nathaniel Richards in the 31st century simultaneously discovered the multiverse and they shared technology to advance each others worlds. Until the war and purging of timelines. based on that idea then it would be safe to say that the 20th Century Fox – Mutant heavy timeline would of had a Kang (and he kind of did appear in Quantomania in theory but we will explore that in a minuet) and there must be a Kang in Sony’s Spiderverse. So the question is which one and what about the other studios that made Marvel Films. Well this is where it gets weird

We’ve kind of been introduced to six Nathaniel Richards Variants (Kang, Immortus, He Who Remains, Victor Timely, Rama Tut and Scarlet Centurian) sure we saw more in the cut scene but they were kind of throw away extras to show the infinity of them in existance. The Council Of Kangs but the 6 i mentioned have taken a more center stage.

Co-Incidently 6 Kangs – 6 studios made Marvel films.

20th Century Fox – with X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil

Sony – as Columbia Pictures – with Spiderman and Ghost RIder

Lionsgate – after buying Artisan Films – Made Punisher Films

Disney – Obviously MCU

Warner Brothers who own New Line who made – Blade movies

Now to explain it all i made this graphic to basically save time in typing it out but here is how i see those characters fit ba\sed on the 6 kang variants we got and how they probably fit in one of those universes. Each studio is a universe so i marked that as say Sony Universe, Disney universe ect.

Let me know what you think, have i fixed the MCU Multiverse story?

FYI all these multiverse bar 1 was purged until Sylvia killed He Who Remains and restarted everthing so they all come back in a cycle.
