
What is Spookora???

Spookora is a spoof paranormal tv show featuring fictional psychic Eric Spookora and his associate Michael Rawlkings as they fail to make a start up tv series based around the misadventures of the duo. Although these videos only appear once a year they provide a comical and witty parody into the world of psychic television. What makes this comedy series so special is its homage to 80’s tv, the music the video techiques. It brings retro to modern tv shows.

So i thought id share with you this up and coming epic web series.

Spookora 1 = Paranormal documentary  “The Lost Episode” Ghost documentar

Spookora 2 = Underneath The Haunted Mystery

Spookora 3 = Hotel Of Death

Hope you enjoyed them – hopefully this will become quite a popular series.

Also check out some of the other videos on that site by Twit Twoo Films.